Prior Lake News Compass
The Weekly Newsletter of PLNC
February 13, 2025
Yes, the extremely cold temperatures have us longing for an early spring. The frosty weather will be less than ideal for Saturday's Polar Plunge that is being held at Sand Point Beach. The annual event will begin at noon and draw hundreds of brave souls jumping into Prior Lake to raise money for Special Olympics. It's just one event the Prior Lake News Compass will be covering for next week's edition. Share this edition with friends and family. Encourage them to sign up for future editions by using the link below to receive local news and information on a regular basis.
February 6, 2025
We've officially finished our first full month of publishing the Prior Lake News Compass. Our readership continues to grow, as does our coverage of local events and people. Check out the link below to a new weekly feature, "Prior Lake in the Past," which highlights a few interesting snippets included in newspapers published decades ago, as suggested by a reader. We depend on your feedback and news tips to make us a better organization. Send your suggestions to: [email protected] and share this newsletter with friends and family so they, too, can subscribe by clicking on the button below.
January 30, 2025
Thank you to the nearly 1,100 area residents who have signed up to receive the weekly edition of the Prior Lake News Compass. We are well on our way to doubling the original subscriber count we had when publishing began in late December. We had hoped for a good response from the Prior Lake community, and are grateful for its support. Continue to tell your friends and family about our newsletter. Share the clickable link below. Thank you for reading!
January 23, 2025
Welcome back to the weekly newsletter from the News Compass! We'll be cheering on our Laker teams participating in Hockey Day Minnesota at Valleyfair this week, and we will have further coverage of your tax dollars at work from next week's city council and school board work sessions on our website, www.plnewscompass.org. Have friends and family that want to subscribe to our newsletter? Share the clickable link below. Thank you for reading!
January 16, 2025
Winter is finally here, leaving more time to hunker down and read the Prior Lake News Compass! Our audience continues to grow every week and we appreciate the positive feedback received from readers. Please forward this newsletter to your friends and neighbors so they, too, can have access to local news. Anyone can sign up to receive the weekly newsletter by going to our website, www.plnewscompass.org to register their email address, or click the link below to subscribe:
January 9, 2025
With the holidays in the rearview, many of you are returning to business as usual to begin the new year. At the News Compass, we are excited to ramp up our coverage of all things Prior Lake. Please help us spread the word by sharing this newsletter with your friends and neighbors — and if you have story ideas or are interested in volunteering, reach us at [email protected]!

January 2, 2025
Happy New Year! Please forward this email to your friends and neighbors so they, too, can stay up to date on local news and information pertaining to the Prior Lake community. We are a nonprofit corporation that can only survive through tax-deductible reader donations, advertising from local businesses and foundation/organization grants. We extend our thanks to those who have already donated to Prior Lake News Compass.