February 13, 2025

Yes, the extremely cold temperatures have us longing for an early spring. The frosty weather will be less than ideal for Saturday's Polar Plunge that is being held at Sand Point Beach. The annual event will begin at noon and draw hundreds of brave souls jumping into Prior Lake to raise money for Special Olympics. It's just one event the Prior Lake News Compass will be covering for next week's edition. Share this edition with friends and family. Encourage them to sign up for future editions by using the link below to receive local news and information on a regular basis.

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Maxine Smith (left) and Kim Nikolai (right) worked on their projects while visiting with Lesley Young this past week at Club Prior.

‘Just keep moving’

Lesley Young hasn’t had much time to sit still in the past eight years. She’s been busy connecting with and entertaining more than 600 area residents who have a collective age span covering more than 50 years.

Young is the City of Prior Lake’s Recreation Programmer Assistant for senior activities at Club Prior. It’s a role she has found to be both rewarding and challenging. She admits she will miss the job and the people she has met when she retires at the end of the month.


Before one conjures up images of only bingo and chair aerobics being offered at the senior center, think again. Young may suggest you sign up for a class in line dancing or Zoomba. Others may want to check out the “Deer in the Dishpan” offering or Bunny Yoga. She is a believer in one mantra: “Just keep moving.”

Read the full story >


The future of emergency training

City leaders are searching for answers for replacing the county’s crumbling training center used by Prior Lake’s police and fire departments.

More News

PL In The Past: Lakefront home for sale, just $85K! >


Time to fix the formula

The state’s education funding formula dates back to the disco music era. Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools leaders plan to push for change.

More Schools news

An update on obituaries

The founders of News Compass are committed to responding to demand from our readers and the community, and one constant has been the desire to publish obituary information. Here is our progress on that front.


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Prior Lake News Compass, PO Box 75, Prior Lake, MN 55372

Prior Lake News Compass is grateful for the financial support received from these Founding Donors:

Prior Lake Rotary Foundation | Prior Lake Rotary Club | Lakefront Music Fest | Prior Lake Optimist Club | Bob and Lisa Conzemius | Pat and Norma Klein | Prior Lake Lions Club l Albrecht Poss Foundation l McKnight Foundation